Many companies around the world have Sherman Treaters systems installed and are extremely satisfied with both their performance and reliability. With proper maintenance it is not uncommon to still see 20 years’ old Sherman Treaters corona treatment systems working reliably. Many customers trust these corona treaters and would like to have the same type of systems. Well you still can!
Don’t have a Sherman Treaters but wish you had one? We manufacture corona treatment systems for blown and cast film extrusion, laminating lines, flexographic and rotogravure printing presses, narrow web label industry, extrusion coating and also for laminate extrusion such as corrugated PP and PET. Please download the relevant attached forms and send back to so that we can specify a corona treatment system to suit your specific requirements. We hand build all our corona treaters to order, building a relationship with our customers that last many years.
Conversion Questions Blown Film Questions Cast Film Questions Narrow Web Questions
Laminate Extrusion QuestionsWhy buy another Sherman Treaters design type system?
Our customers are interested in our core values; Reliability, build and engineering quality, performance and continuity. All the systems are manufactured in the United Kingdom by ex-Sherman Treaters employees to the same specifications and build quality. Investing in a new Sherman Treaters design system also allows the converter to have flexibility in spare parts and peace of mind that they will have a corona treater that will continue to work trouble free for many years.
We can also supply ozone destruct systems & ozone generators for extrusion coating but do not supply flame treatment systems or 3D treatment systems.